In today’s world, the need for personal protection is more real than ever. We’d like to share a recent experience that illustrates just how much peace of mind an elite family protection dog can provide.
We received a call from a family in Los Angeles who had just experienced a terrifying home invasion. Intruders climbed over their fence, attempted to break in using a crowbar, and eventually smashed through a large sliding glass door. The husband was out of town on a work trip, leaving the wife alone with their three children and their family Bernedoodle. Startled awake by what sounded like an explosion, the wife panicked as she rushed to protect her children. Thankfully, their poodle mix barked loudly enough to scare the intruders away. Though immensely grateful for their doodle, the family couldn’t help but wonder—what if the barking hadn’t been enough?
Shaken by the event, the family took immediate action: they installed reinforced window film, raised their fences, and added barbed wire. Their need for stronger protection led them to us. They wanted a safe and viable means of security that could be with them 24/7 while not intruding on their day-to-day lifestyle. With the cost of armed security approaching $800 a night ($292,000 a year), adding an elite protection dog to the family became a very logical option. After reaching out, we were pleased to let them know we were scheduled to be in LA the very next day to deliver a dog to another client in the Los Angeles area. Before delivering our dog to its new home, we made a stop at their house to introduce them to one of our fully trained elite protection dogs. From the moment we stepped out of the car, the dog demonstrated his obedience skills—completely off-leash and in total control. What impressed the family most was how seamlessly the dog fit into their home, even playing gently with their youngest daughter within minutes of arriving. Our trainer, Abby, guided the dog calmly and quietly, using voice commands that were barely audible to the family. When they asked to see the dog performing protection, Abby calmly demonstrated both on-leash and off-leash commands, showcasing the dog’s ability to switch between showing aggression and remaining calm on command.
With the desire to be an informed buyer and not impulsive, the family decided to explore another protection dog provider that was local in Los Angeles. The company brought two dogs, a Belgian Malinois and a German Shepherd, for a demonstration. Unfortunately, both dogs struggled with basic obedience, even with leash and e-collar corrections. One dog even jumped into the family’s pool unprompted, and the other displayed behavioral issues like obsessively mounting their poodle mix. Unsatisfied with the experience, the family called us back the next day, and we returned to help them find the perfect elite family protection dog.
After further discussion, they decided on a dog from CPI, a large black sable, who was the ideal fit for their needs.
Our time in LA further reinforced the importance of having a well-trained elite protection dog. With rising concerns about safety, it’s becoming harder to feel secure even in familiar places. Simple activities like carrying a designer purse or leaving items in your car can make you a target. An elite protection dog provides the highest layer of security, offering both a deterrent through its presence and, if necessary, the ability to defend when commanded. In these uncertain times, having a trusted companion by your side is invaluable.