The focus of our Elite Family and Estate Protection Dogs is to provide your family with an optimal means of protection for worst-case scenarios (a violent attack like a home invasion). Our family protection dogs for sale give you the ability to convincingly deter a potential threat before it actually takes place. Just as importantly, we will give you the ability to mitigate the liability that comes with defending yourself today.
It may seem from our description that our Elite Family and Estate Protection Dogs are just elite K9 bodyguards. There is far more to our elite dogs than just protection. The softer everyday side of your family security dog, along with their obedience, is equally as impressive. Like with our Executive Protection Dogs, that is the side your friends, family, and you will be experiencing on a daily basis.
In a threatening situation such as a home invasion or violent attack on the streets, you need two things when it comes to a protection dog: the highest level of natural ability and the most advanced skills. One without the other has little value. Together, they determine your dog’s ability to fight someone who is fighting back and how long they can do so. Make no mistake, if the sight of your trained home protection dog did not deter the aggressor, nor the sight of your dog “turned on” (showing aggression), they are not going to just give up just because your dog is biting them. Therefore, we select dogs with exceptional ability, as well as provide very advanced handler protection skills and fighting skills to ensure your protection. We provide a list of these skills and exercises on our training program comparison page.
If you defend yourself with a dog, gun, knife, or even your hands, there is a fair chance you will be answering for it in a police station and courthouse. Of course, it’s better to have survived an attacker and answer for it than to have faced the alternative. At the same time, decreasing the liability as much as possible is important. The time to do so with a trained family protection dog for sale is when purchasing one. How the dog is trained to protect you, and the handling protocol you follow is what makes the difference.
There are cameras everywhere, and everyone has a smartphone. Everything is being recorded. Even an assault in your home will be recorded once you dial 911. What will the bystander film, what will the security camera capture, what will the 911 operator hear? A lot of times the actual threat happens both quickly and subtly. Therefore, the actual threat portion of the altercation goes unnoticed, at least by everyone other than the victim. What won’t go unnoticed is a dog showing aggression or biting. In either case, you may very well appear to be the aggressor and the perpetrator like the victim. When the police arrive, they very well may arrive with guns drawn – on you. Again, the answer is not to be unprotected. It’s to protect yourself resourcefully in such a way that you reduce your risk of repercussions.
Your go-to-command for protection from a threat will be our strategic command “POLICE”. At the first sight of a threat, the first thing you will do is move away from the threat. Move in the opposite direction to create distance. As you begin to move, you will give your dog the command “POLICE”. This will instruct your dog to run to your side, turn on (show aggression), and remain by your side regardless of whether you are moving forward, backward, or sideways.
This is all happening off-leash without the need to hold their collar or touch them. You focus on getting to the safest place possible. While the focus of safe haven, your trained family protection dog focuses on protecting you. What you do next after the command “POLICE” is just as important. You place your hands in front of your chest, palms out, as you are backing up, repeating over and over, “Police, Call the Police, I’m Afraid for my Life, Call the Police”. Whether the altercation is recorded, witnessed by innocent bystanders, heard by the 911 operator, or witnessed by law enforcement, it will be very clear who is the victim and who is the perpetrator.
We often have a sense when we are about to be threatened. Of course, that sense may or may not be accurate. Nevertheless, if you feel threatened and have the ability to deter the threat, you want to do so. The only challenge is if you turn your dog “on” (instruct to show aggression) before you are threatened, you actually make yourself the threat. As a result, if you are seen turning your dog “on” there could be legal ramifications. This liability could have been avoided with the right command and handler protocol.
Our solution: teaching the covert command “Knock it Off”. You simply appear to reprimand your dog with “Knock it Off”. That covert command like the “POLICE” command instructs your dog to run to your side, turn on and remain by your side regardless of whether you move forwards, backward or sideways. You simply repeat, “knock it off”, “I said knock it off” a few times and then make your apologies for your overprotective dog who has already bitten a few people. Then you helplessly suggest that this person move way or leave before there’s an accident.
You have not threatened anyone, neither have you acknowledged feeling threatened. You appear helpless and you’ve successfully deterred a potential threat, and in turn, prevented any legal ramifications.
Your dog will have impeccable manners and complete off-leash control with a command said once in a pleasant tone, regardless of the situation. As proud as we are about the viability of our protection training, it’s the obedience aspect of the training that sells many of our dogs.
Our Elite Family and Estate Protection Dogs start at $125,000.