Many of our dogs are sold before being showcased on our website. Join our waitlist and secure your position in queue for an exceptional protection dog..
Protect Your Family NowWith so many of our family protection dog clients coming back soon after receiving their first CPI dog to purchase a second, we decided to start training more dogs as pairs to work together while in training at our Dallas, Texas facility. Meet Bono and Bowie, a pair of fully trained protection dogs, trained to live together, travel together and protect together. Bono and Bowie are both sable German Shepherds weighing around 85 pounds each. Although they are not litter mates, you would never know, they are best friends and act like brother and sister.
All about Bono:
Bono is a loyal and strong dog who is confident in all situations who loves being around his family. He loves car rides and traveling everywhere with his owner or relaxing around the house. We get to know our dogs so well during training, every dog has unique characteristics about them, for Bono that’s his love of the woods and sticks. He loves to play in the woods and play with sticks either with you or by himself, carrying them around like a prized possession. However, if he is called upon to protect, the stick is instantly dropped, and he goes from happy playful German Shepherd to protection dog. He will jump through and over anything to get to the threat. He is a powerful dog but easy to control both in protection and everyday life. He is an ideal protection dog for any family, the power he brings when asked to show aggression, strength when biting, and willpower while fighting is the perfect combination.
All about Bowie:
Bowie is a very sweet, loyal and affectionate family protection dog. In everyday life she would love to hang out with you while out and about, but much like Bono is equally happy at home. She is playful and fun, but also has an independent side to her. She is trained to heel off leash both on the left and the right side. As well as doing the off leash “secure” exercise on both sides, where she will stay by your side showing aggression until you either send her to attack or tell her to stop.
Handling Bono and Bowie together:
Both dogs can be easily handled by two different family members, or as a team together by on person. Like all our family protection dogs, everything is off leash, we don’t turn our clients into dog trainers and make you carry around balls or treats, these are finished dogs, performing commands for praise and their desire to please. When you have the pair together you can heel with both dogs together on the left, or have one on each side (Bono on the left and Bowie on the right)
In protection you can have both dogs off leash, Bono on the left and Bowie on the right showing aggression with your hands free or by holding their collars. Both dogs have been trained to primarily bite the upper biceps but will also target anywhere else on the body if it is available first. An attacker has no chance with the two dogs running at them. Both dogs will fight a threat and continues to bite harder and deeper while the fight continues until instructed to come off. Like all our dogs, functional training is what we do, these dogs are real protection dogs, showing aggression on command to anyone, anytime, anywhere, without the need to see training equipment. At the same time, these two are loving family members who will be calm and well-mannered in the house and fit into your life with ease
Many of our dogs are sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowRaven was recently sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowHenry was recently sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowMany of our dogs are sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowMany of our dogs are sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowOzzy was recently sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowAxle was recently sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowKelly was recently sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowMany of our dogs are sold before being showcased on our website. With the rising demand for our exceptional protection dogs, you can secure your position in queue for a highly-trained family protection dog by joining our waitlist.
Protect Your Family NowWith so many of our family protection dog clients coming back soon after receiving their first CPI dog to purchase a second, we decided to start training more dogs as pairs to work together while in training at our Dallas, Texas facility. Meet Bono and Bowie, a pair of fully trained protection dogs, trained to live together, travel together and protect together. Bono and Bowie are both sable German Shepherds weighing around 85 pounds each. Although they are not litter mates, you would never know, they are best friends and act like brother and sister.
All about Bono:
Bono is a loyal and strong dog who is confident in all situations who loves being around his family. He loves car rides and traveling everywhere with his owner or relaxing around the house. We get to know our dogs so well during training, every dog has unique characteristics about them, for Bono that’s his love of the woods and sticks. He loves to play in the woods and play with sticks either with you or by himself, carrying them around like a prized possession. However, if he is called upon to protect, the stick is instantly dropped, and he goes from happy playful German Shepherd to protection dog. He will jump through and over anything to get to the threat. He is a powerful dog but easy to control both in protection and everyday life. He is an ideal protection dog for any family, the power he brings when asked to show aggression, strength when biting, and willpower while fighting is the perfect combination.
All about Bowie:
Bowie is a very sweet, loyal and affectionate family protection dog. In everyday life she would love to hang out with you while out and about, but much like Bono is equally happy at home. She is playful and fun, but also has an independent side to her. She is trained to heel off leash both on the left and the right side. As well as doing the off leash “secure” exercise on both sides, where she will stay by your side showing aggression until you either send her to attack or tell her to stop.
Handling Bono and Bowie together:
Both dogs can be easily handled by two different family members, or as a team together by on person. Like all our family protection dogs, everything is off leash, we don’t turn our clients into dog trainers and make you carry around balls or treats, these are finished dogs, performing commands for praise and their desire to please. When you have the pair together you can heel with both dogs together on the left, or have one on each side (Bono on the left and Bowie on the right)
In protection you can have both dogs off leash, Bono on the left and Bowie on the right showing aggression with your hands free or by holding their collars. Both dogs have been trained to primarily bite the upper biceps but will also target anywhere else on the body if it is available first. An attacker has no chance with the two dogs running at them. Both dogs will fight a threat and continues to bite harder and deeper while the fight continues until instructed to come off. Like all our dogs, functional training is what we do, these dogs are real protection dogs, showing aggression on command to anyone, anytime, anywhere, without the need to see training equipment. At the same time, these two are loving family members who will be calm and well-mannered in the house and fit into your life with ease
Join our exclusive waitlist to select from our soon-to-be available Elite Protection Dogs.
Protect Your Family Now